Friday 18 July 2008

Summer in the Cities

As a family we will be split up for most of the summer in our various cities, but will be coming together for the first ten days of August.

  • Lisbon - Please pray that God will enrich our time together in August as a family, that our home would be ooen to the friends that our kids bring along. That we would have a sense of the aroma of Christ in our home during this time
  • Brussels - Judith has been thinking for some time about changing her job, but really needs to know God's guidance as to how and when, wne what sort of work or ministry He wants to lead her into. In the meantime, she as enjoyed working with "Serve the City", playing touch rugby (recently in Paris!!) and just being with friends.
  • London - Wonderful news!! Sharon recently got engaged to Rohit Paul who attends Hillsongs with her, and also is a graduate of Central St Martin's like Sharon. Ro is currently developed his business as a branding consultant, both in London and in India, so marriage plans are still a long way off. Please pray for them as they seek God's guidance in their lives together
  • Southampton - after his first year in aeronautical engineering, Colin has been staying on the in city, working and settling into the new house he is renting with some other students. He does not have many friends around at the moment, so pray that he will not be discouraged and that God will use him there.
  • Lisbon - apart from the intensive language course (please pray for progress and concentration as we st exams again in the last week of July) we also have a three day kid's programme in the Park here. A Portuguese group, called Louv'Art will be with us using drame, mime and games to communicate the power and love of God. Please pray!

Monday 17 March 2008

Easter Rising

The end of March is bringing Easter in early. Please pray for us over the next few weeks.

  • March 17th - we hope to celebrate St Patricks Day with a gift and a card for our neighbours on the ninth floor in an effort to get to know the 7 other families who live here a little.
  • March 16th - 23rd - Colin and four of his friends from school are with us 'til Easter Sunday. We thank God he's got such a good circle of friends. PRAY for some good times of fun and friendship
  • March 21st - 25th - Ditto for Sharon with Ayesha coming from London for Easter weekend. If you do the math that means there are nine people in our tiny flat for a couple of nights. PRAY!
  • March 23rd - JESUS IS RISEN! Pray that it might be reality in the lives of some of the the friends we've made here
  • March 27th - We fly to Barcelona for the one week ECM Biennial Conference in Spain. We have been asked to coordinate the prayer focus during the week. PRAY that we might do that well.