Tuesday 14 July 2009

A Summer Prayer Schedule

It might help you as you think about us and our work here
  • When you’re driving in the car!
    Please pray for Peter as he has been asked to take over the field leadership of ECM Portugal from Fabiano from September. The decision is yet to be ratified by Mission leadership, but please pray for his preparation for this.
  • When you’re with your family.
    Please pray for marriages, that God may use us to help, strengthen, uphold and support marriages of people we know.
  • When you’re in Church
    Pray that God would continue to lead and guide our fellowship, especially that we would be led on the best route to find a neutral place to meet.
  • When you are at your desk at work
    Pray for a champion, someone with a business mindset and clear vision, (whether Portuguese or from overseas), whom God would raise up to take the business ideas we have been developing and run with them.
  • When you’re out relaxing at the beach.
    Pray for refreshing times for ourselves after a busy few months. We are taking a week near the Alentejo coast in south west Portugal and then hope to have time with family in August.
  • When you’re playing on a team
    Please pray for our team as Pedro and Junia, a young Portuguese couple move from Porto at the end of August to join us for 2 years. Pray that they will quickly find accommodation and settle in