Monday 15 October 2007

Foxes have Holes....

....But all we need is an apartment! As you pray this week for us in our flat hunting. Please pray

  • That we would find one in the right location. We'd like it to be quite near where most of the activity and outreach has already taken plaxce in the northern end of the Park of the Nations and not far from the others we have begun to know.

  • That we would find one with a large living area. Our apartment will become the main venue intiially for meetings so we need enough room for people to be able to come and feel comfortable. Lisbon apartments tend to be tiny because of the premium on land area, but we have seen some really nice spacious living areas.

  • That we would be able to have a natural way of dividing off the family area from the living room. Fortunately most apartments are designed in this way, because Portuguese family life tends to be quite private.

Also, although, it's only the two of us, we do want Colin in particular, but also the two girls, to feel that this is their family home and that they are not just short term guests in our apartment. So we are lookng for at least 3 bedroomed place.

And finally it needs to be affordable!!! Prices are massive. Park of the Nations is at the top end of the the urban lifestyle with costs to match. We are so thankful for the promise of God's abundant provision and are looking to Him to provide.