Wednesday 4 November 2009

Praying across the Time Zones

GMT -8:00 Judith is visiting friends in California during November while she waits on God for His next plan for her life. God has been amazingly good in providing her with work, friends, a church and a place to live in Brussels during the six years since she graduated from St Andrews. Now she senses change and needs prayer as she says goodbye to that life and looks forwad to something new.

GMT 0:00 Peter and Anna in Lisbon, Portugal continue to be amazed by God's grace at work, enjoy His presence daily, and are overwhelmed by His goodness. Pray that many friends and neighbours might come to share in their amazement.

GMT +5:30 Sharon and Rohit are exploring different options for future work while they continue to live in Bangalore close by Rohit's parents. Depending on which options open up, life might take them to Delhi or Mumbai, or outside of India. Pray for guidance and direction.

GMT +10:00 Colin is thoroughly enjoying life on the farm in New South Wales! The total change from academic work of University life has been good for him, and he will stay in Australia up to December. Pray that he will continue to be a help and encouragement to those he is working with.

DECEMBER the time zones come together for us in India where the whole family will be together for Christmas first in Bangalore, and then for one week in Goa. We are constantly amazed by God's goodness to us as a family, and that even though life is taking us in very different directions we are still very close, and richly enjoy times like this spent together.